Electronic Healing:
Advanced Healing and Research
Techniques Using the Harmonic Translation System
by Jon Monroe, Director, New Science

Harmonic Translation System

Radionics 2.0 for the 21st. Century


Technology is our ability as tool designers, makers and users to remake the world and ourselves as we see fit. For hundreds of thousands of years it is through the conduit of technology that we have done our best and our worst. As we refined our tools we used them to create yet more refined tools and through their use came to better understand everything. Healing technology has always been held in the highest esteem. From the earliest shaman to modern scientists, the development of healing technology (medicine) has called out the better angels of our nature and propelled us in a positive upward spiral.  In the sci-fi series Star Trek, most healing requires only the waving of a small device in the vicinity of the sick or injured person to completely heal them. One can see obvious similarities between this high tech scene and the traditional shamanic one where the shaman waves a magic device of feathers and bone to have much the same effect. All in all, healing, in our culture, remains a highly ritualized practice. These rituals contain healing information that is often overlooked when we are looking for the most effective medicine. Even the western formula of diagnosis and treatment is very much a sacred ritual.

In the mid 1980's while living on the island of Maui, I was studying and experimenting with the old radionic technology of Dr. Abrams and Hieronymus while reading everything I could get my hands on concerning the ancient Polynesian healing technology of Huna.  Abrams, a master of diagnostic kinesiology, had only vary primitive electronics to work with. Hieronymus, a real technological maverick, had the vacuum tube technology of the mid 20th century and the ancient Hawaiian shaman had only his mind which he would train for ten to thirty years to be able to use  in ways we use computers today. The Huna concept has the human divided into three selves that share the physical body. This model is not unlike some in modern western psychology.  

  So thirty years ago, a few colleagues and myself began work on what was to eventually become the Harmonic Translation System. Our original goal was straight forward.  To create a computer program and hardware platform that could incorporate known and useful electronic healing technologies into a single integrated computer system. Existing technologies we sought to incorporate included the early radionics technology of Dr. Abrams and Hieronymus, the radio frequency technology of Rife and the color frequency healing work of Dr. Bhattaacharya. The structure of the computer program was to model the ancient huna physiology / psychology of the high, middle and low self.  I decided to observe and speak with  as many practitioners as I could find using these techniques so as to best evaluate the effectiveness of each. What I learned from these visits at first perplexed me. Out of many practitioners using similar technology there would be one or two who stood out as vastly more effective, almost miracle workers. Looking harder to see what it was about these miracle workers that made them so much more effective than there peers, I finally had to admit that they were simply being more creative in their healing arts than the others.  Like that one in a thousand musicians who's music changes the world. So to the list of technologies to be combined by this program  I added the need to promote the creativity of the user.

 This was the early days of personal computers and  the computer graphic interface was a new concept. The idea that you could control a device with an on screen graphic of virtual buttons, knobs and sliders was new. We would use this new computer technology to create a control interface that would not get in the way of the users creativity. It had to be easy to use but not sacrifice any important functions.   

 While I initially approached this project as purely technological development, I soon had to contend with the fact that my concepts of what a living person was physically and energetically in relation to health and healing were inadequate. The problem had to do with the concept of biological information. It is a problem that has only come into focus in the last few decades. We have not until recently in our technological history had to make the distinction between information and the medium by which it is expressed. Information in a book, a tape, a computer disk. DNA contains information, it expresses information, but it is not the information itself. This is far more serious than a semantic exercise. This is like not noticing that the message and the messenger are separate things. In biological research we have always paid attention to the things we could see, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, endless cascading biochemical effects that are only the physical interactions of the mediums of biological code and information processing. This is not to say that understanding these things is not critically important, but it is only a material shadow of the whole. Mater is information. Energy is information. Electronic medicine is pure information.
A good analogy is the computer itself. Most of us think of the little box full of components as "the computer". In fact, the computer is a complex interaction of the information stored in the box with the structure of the components and the input of the user. The computer, is what I would call an interactive field of information. Pull the plug and the computer disappears. You are left with a box full of components and recorded instructions. The computer is a thing of pure information that is in fact more than the sum of its parts. If the device malfunctions, we most often fix it by introducing remedial information. Rarely does the hardware part of the system fail. The computer does not mystify us because it is a thing of human manufacture. To expand this analogy to the human level is to multiply the complexity by several orders of magnitude. While we may never be able to completely understand all that is at work in so complex an organism as ourselves, still we can come to fathom the meaning of much of the information at work, learn its codes and patterns and purpose. With a little of this understanding, and the technological tools to make it work, great things can be accomplished.

In developing the Harmonic Translation System, we did not have to reinvent the wheel when it came to using information as medicine. Radionics has been around for almost one hundred years. Homeopathy, which has been around for over 150 years, is a technique for extracting the active information from a medicinal substance and impressing it onto a new medium, usually water or sugar tablets. When given, this sort of medicine interacts with the dynamic field of information that is the person and has an effect that can easily be seen on a physiological level. In short, it works vary well. What we developed was an electronic format for using information on this level. In effect, a kind of electronic homeopathy. Combined with the best electronic kinesiological measurement tool for scanning, analyzing, and editing this medicinal bio-information, we created the first true digital synthesizer of electronic medicine.

To store this digital electronic medicine, we needed a format that had the band width to hold all of the complexity without overburdening the computer with too great a file size. The old
Abrams and Hieronymus numerical rates had too little band width to contain the level information we whished to use. A digital holographic photograph worked but the file size was far too great. A perfect solution was found in the mathematical permutation table of the ancient Mayan called the Zolkin.  This is a 13 X 20 grid numbered in such a way that it functions as a numerical hologram. Within the Zolkin grid, information is stored between the individual grid sections not in them. This allowed us to store information as easily as a rate number with vast band width.

With the advent of an advanced healing tool like the Harmonic Translation System, the rules and reality of alternative medical treatment and research are forever changed. In the old paradigm it would be unconscionable to even think of combining treatment and research. The acceptable formula was that you would only use tried and true medicines and techniques in treating the sick. This was a prudent approach given the level of understanding and the technological limitations of the old school. Even with this careful approach much harm was and is done through the limited understanding inherent in traditional medical models.

With the advent of modern electronic kinesiological measurements, a practitioner does not have to guess or make assumptions as to the efficacy of a medicinal substance. The effectiveness for a given individual can be determined to a high degree of accuracy before the medicine is given. Add to this, the ability to modify, edit, or out and out invent medicine on the fly for a particular condition and individual, and you begin to see the nature of this paradigm shift in healing and research. For the first time experimentation itself becomes an effective means to solving an individual's health problem. Again, it is the ability to get feedback fast and in real time that makes this approach safe as well as effective.

In traditional medical research a promising medicine might be tried on a hundred people over a time span of several years. If five people in that hundred experienced miraculous healing as a result of the treatment but the other ninety five had little or no results, the new medicine would be considered a total failure and would be abandoned. With better tools and techniques however it can now be discovered why those five had the good results and how to extend the results to the other ninety-five. Rather than looking for the one size fits all medicine, an energy, substance, or technique can be adapted to fit the needs of the client. As with most of science and medicine, it is not always possible to understand why a medicine or energy has the desired effect. Aspirin, used by millions for almost a century, was a mystery until only a decade ago. Add to this, lighting fast ability to sort through thousands of possible medicines, the ability to select, edit and synthesize the needed experimental medicine, and you have the Harmonic Translation System.

This H T instrument does not make you a doctor in the same sense that an automobile does not make you a driver. As with driving, skill, knowledge, reflexes, intelligence and intuition determine how good of a healer you can be with the H T System. The car determines the pace and nature of modern travel. Advanced electronic medicine does the same thing here for the healing arts. In H T research it has been seen that a miracle cure for one person rarely has any effect on another without significant adaptation to the needs of that individual. It is this ability to find and compose highly specific and effective electronic medicine for individuals that is the hallmark of this technology.


The Harmonic Translation System is a computer app that synthesizes healing solutions.

For more information, go to www.electronichealing.com



Perception, intuition, and the search for objective reality in diagnosis.


By Jon Monroe, Director of Research, New Science


   In all the history of western medicine, the ability to accurately diagnose a patient’s problem has been at the heart of effective treatment. 2500 years ago in ancient Greece, green bile was a sure sign that the patient had a chill on the stomach, (stomach flu?), and for this condition the physician might prescribe fresh goats milk. (rich in antibodies).  This is at least as effective as any treatment western medicine might provide today.

  In the 1790’s, an aging George Washington felt a bit ill after dinner. He was a little warm and had an upset stomach. (stomach flu?). His personal physician was called in and determined that stagnant blood was the problem and that he should be bled. He let out one pint of blood and gave him four ounces of brandy. The great man’s condition deteriorated, and so another half-pint of blood was let out. At this point, President Washington’s condition became much worse. He was drifting in and out of a coma. The good doctor called in his most esteemed colleagues for consultation. After a most thorough examination of the patient, they decided to let out yet another whole pint of blood. Despite these heroic attempts to save him, George Washington passed away in the early morning hours.

   As can be seen from the examples above, western medicine has not always followed a logical or a scientific course in its long development. What happened between the first example and the latter was what has come to be called the age of reason. 

   The age of reason lent itself to a renaissance of mathematics and technology. Reason came to be defined as an allegiance to scientific fact.  Scientific fact, by definition had to be new. All that was old was suspect.  This formula was disastrous for western medicine.

For nearly two hundred years, medical science declined in the west. Age-old effective medicines, common sense, and intuition were thrown out for new medicines and techniques that while academically popular, were of little help to the sick.  In the mid to late 1800’s technology began to add to the understanding of disease with the development of microscopes and the discovery of disease causing microbes.  True to the formula, western medicine formed ranks behind these new scientific facts and marched off to do battle with their new enemy the pathological microbe.

   While much progress has been made in the understanding of pathological organisms and the diseases they cause, the ability to diagnose complex problems and comprehend how to treat them has not blossomed in western medicine. Abilities in this arena that were common centuries ago have been lost.

   The rapid development of scientific instruments gave rise to the notion that ones eyes were not to be trusted, the mind easily fooled. Only scientific instruments were to be trusted to verify reality. The fact that these instruments could only be extensions of our natural senses did not figure prominently in this thinking.

   At the end of the 19th century, western medicine was working hard to be more effective.

Fueled by the technological renaissance, and the worship of academic science, doctors felt there was too much guessing going on in diagnosis, and they looked to technology to take the guesswork out of medicine.

   Enter Dr. Albert Abrams, Who in 1918 discovered and began to develop the diagnostic technique known then as The Electronic Reactions of Abrams and now called electronic kinesiology. This new technology could accurately pinpoint diseases, conditions and complications that there were no objective laboratory tests for.  At first hailed as the future of modern medicine by the pundits of science, the diagnostic techniques of Abrams soon lost favor with the establishment because it could not be reconciled with the limited scientific (facts) of the day.  Heresy could not be tolerated.

  In essence the technique was to feel a tactile response on an electrified plate connected to the subject. The reaction would be in response to stimuli supplied by the instrument. In this way, physiological responses to any stimuli can be measured.

   The problem with electronic kinesiology then as now is that the practitioner must be taught to perceive the reaction from the patient. This does dishonor to the commandment that all scientific facts be objectively verified outside the realm of purely human perceptions.

This of course begs the question; just what realms are outside those of human perception?

The only answer of coarse is a political one. If what you perceive is supported by the accepted scientific paradigm then it can be objective. If not, it is a subjective artifact of your imagination.  A good example of this is to be seen in the 1880’s when the first large telescopes were tuned toward Mars. The eminent astronomers of that day saw canals made by Martins. As this view was supported by the scientific paradigm of the day, their observations were excepted as objective fact. When people on other worlds were dropped from the paradigm, the canals disappeared.  One would hope that a technology with the ability to determine critical information about a patient’s condition as well as determine the best course of action to take in treatment would be so valuable that the rules of acceptance would make room for it. Alas, this is not the western way.

   For fifty years, small numbers of scientists on the fringe held on to the work of Abrams and developed radionic and psychotronic instrumentation. Many paid a high price for their scientific work in the 40s and 50s as the government sought to enforce the official paradigm.  Others sought to make electronic kinesiology acceptable to the main stream by disguising it as something that appears more objective. The galvanic skin response technique used by some instrument designers is an example of this.  In this technique the subject is electrically connected to the instrument. The operator presses another electrical probe to a selected acupuncture point. The measurement is supposed to be an objective measurement of the difference in electrical conductivity before and after test stimuli from the instrument. In fact, if the electrodes are simply attached to the subject, no information can be derived from the measurement. Only when the operator selectively presses the electrode probe to the point on the body is there a readable response. This is because in doing so the operator can engage their perceptive abilities and make the diagnostic determination. This is a form of electronic kinesiology. Not as accurate as the original Abrams technique, but able to be slipped under the door of western medicine.

It is this scientists opinion that acceptance of people’s perceptual kinesiological abilities is the only way to restore to western medicine those facets of long lost skill and ability. The beneficial spin-offs for the practitioner of these forms of kinesiology are many. I believe that it is high-level pattern recognition in the mind of the operator that gives us this ability.  By practicing electronic kinesiology that part of the mind becomes stronger. We begin to see the patterns in many things.  This can lead to the ability to hear the truth among lies, see the right path among many and comprehend our individual places in the grand scheme of things. All in all, a technique and technology worth pursuing.





By Jon Monroe


Who are the best healers? What techniques, tools and medicines do they use?  

In 1988 I undertook a survey of healers and their techniques and tools so that I could discover which of these to incorporate into a new computer platform I wished to develop. I reasoned that I should be able to quickly determine the most powerful techniques and technologies and incorporate the best aspects of all of them into a new system.  What I learned forever changed my concepts of medicine and healing.  This was to be the beginning of what we now call the Harmonic Translation System.

   In this study, I would encounter true miracle workers. People who's healing abilities far acceded that of their peers. On close examination, I found that this was not because they had knowledge, medicine and technology that there fellows did not.  It was that they were somehow being more creative in the practice of their art. This then was the wisdom we sought to incorporate into the design of our new system, as well as the effective techniques and technologies.

   In the end, we had a computerized instrument that combined the technologies of sound, light, homeopathy, and vibrational healing.  A system that could emulate the action of the old radionics and psychotronic devices, the Rife generators, as well as produce millions of frequencies of colored light and sound. The key element being the way that electronic kinesiology was used with the on screen graphic interface to promote creativity.


Creativity + Compassion + Skills and Tools = Miracles in Healing


A superior healing instrument never gets in the way of the healing process.

A superior healing instrument is transparent to the creative energy of the healer just as a fine musical instrument is to the muse of the musician.




By Dr. Peter Moscow, President, United States Psychotronics Association


            Despite appearances to the contrary, the terms, healer, physician and patient are rarely applied correctly.  The normal idea of a healer physician is someone who possesses the ability and knowledge to effect a healing for another.  All known societies hold their witchdoctors, shamans and medical priests in high regard.  This respect is only fully justified when we understand the true role of a healer, especially in a rapidly proliferating, high technology world economy.  The alternative to an adequate philosophy of medicine and healing will be a worldview that confuses medical practice with a very sophisticated bio-technological health model that is remarkably similar to the maintenance procedures and systems concepts utilized by NASA in the space shuttle program!

           Healing techniques, although an integral part of all curative processes must never be identified with the essence of healing.  Thus, the use of, for example, herbs and acupuncture to treat arthritis is on a par with the allopathic approach, which uses anti-inflammatory drugs and joint replacement therapy (when vital).  One can make a very strong case for the superiority of the oriental techniques over the western methods in many, but not in all, instances.  However, the argument is related to wholes versus parts and systems functions, etc., and is the fitting fulcrum for a debate about the merits of the Holistic approach to treatment rather than a clarification of what constitutes a cure.  Precisely because both systems work (and many others, too) and sometimes strongly oppose one another, etc., one can infer that neither one contains an adequate philosophy that can fully explain the true nature of healing and thus the role of the healer.

          To gain insight into healing one must begin with the idea of individuality, both as causative of dysfunction and also as containing the capacity for cure.  This idea requires that an individual self be onto-logically prior to its manifestations in any dimension one cares to imagine.  In this way of thinking, the mind/body duality is the expression of the self and not a framework of limitations controlled by so-called 'evolution'.  Given this point then 'individuals' must also be at least one of the prime causes of what we believe happens in human evolutionary process.  A further corollary is that the concept of choice' must operate at the level of the individual rather than in an empirically observable fashion.  Therefore, freedom of will is a crit­ical feature of both disease and its cure.

          Human individualism seeks experience in terms of novelty and value fulfillment as one method of growth - esoteric and esoteric sciences all seem to affirm this idea.  Thus health and wellness cannot be the only way in which the mental/physical system can manifest if the ideas of 'choice', 'variety' and 'learning' are to have any profound metaphysi­cal value.


When people choose to be sick, the causes are hidden within their own individualities.  Secondary causes are definitely perceivable in medical, social, ecological and psychological ways, etc.  These latter, however, to a large extent represent the workings of individual purposes and intentions.  Only when the primary causes have been removed, will illness disappear.  If a person has not elected that change or trans­formation then it is unwise to try to effect a real healing because that person has not traveled far enough at an inner level to have resolved the crisis or learning experience which the self needed to know.  On this basis it is possible to see the true function of the healer/physician.


The healer is always a servant (not a slave) of the master physician who resides within every individual.  The servant's help is always the result of an invocation by the distressed part of the self that has, to a large extent, lost its connectedness with its deeper aspects.  Very often, deeply ingrained beliefs are the reason for the split in aware­ness between the inner and outer layers of consciousness.  The healer's job is to aid the patient/physician to form a bridge between the soul and the mind/body so that a true restoration of all layers of the self can take place.  The servant must always try to be in rapport or reso­nance with the patient / physician so as to accurately perceive the patient/ physician's deviation from his or her own blueprint of health.  In this way the healer/servant becomes, for a short time, almost one with the patient/physician.  Under these conditions enormous amounts of energy can be exchanged between the individuals.  However, it must be restated that the purpose of the dysfunction will usually not be thwarted so, in many instances, healing is only partial and sometimes very minimal.  From the healer/servant standpoint it should be stressed that there are times when healing should be withdrawn, no matter how hard that may seem at the time.  Usually those instances are rare in everyday practice but they do exist.

Traditionally, physicians have been admonished to 'heal thyself'. Without that policy, society is always in danger of licensing highly qualified technicians whose skills exclude the ability to enter with compassion and love into a true healing ritual.  This situation is cur­rently very evident in psychiatry.  An undue proportion of these doc­tors suffer from severe depression and suicidal tendencies.  Their training often prevents them from taking the servant/healer role, which is a necessary ingredient for complete cure of both parties given that the healer/servant temporarily takes on a projected aspect of the patient/ physician's dysfunction. Their spiritual nature impels them to partic­ipate deeply in the journey into which the patient is leading them.  Some­times the conflict that results is too difficult to resolve in conven­tional terms.

The ancient spiritual tradition of 'service' certainly requires that everyone needs to examine carefully the roles we play and the titles we use when talking about healing.  It is the viewpoint of this writer that true service and healing involves the privilege of temporarily entering into the personal realities of his or her clients to a level where, on a rare occasion, it is possible to experience the mystery of individ­uality in its creative domain.


Copyright: Peter Moscow 1988

Intelligence Technology and Change

Upgrading the Mind

What is intelligence?

Definitions of human intelligence are difficult to nail down. Academic science values the ability to learn, remember and use information. In the Arts,
 it is the ability to create new and interesting expressions, and to some, it is the ability to survive in difficult times by thinking outside the box. Add to
 this, the notion of emotional intelligence and the picture becomes very wide angle.

Modern neurophysiology tells us that except for pathology and injury, we all have more or less the same brain. From not very bright to off the charts
 genius, how do we account for the vast range of intelligence that passes for normal in our species? The answer it would seem, is in what is coming
 to be called the connectome. This is the sum total of the software connections between all of the various brain regions. The connectome is dynamic
 and changes as we develop. That is why you can be smarter than you were when you were a teenager but also why you begin to lose it as you
 become very elderly. It is through the enhancement of our connectomes that we can achieve our true potential intelligence.


The connectome. A map of brain connections.



The changing world changes us all.

As a young undergrad in the early 1970s, I was working on a paper about the evolutionary nature of intelligence and consciousness over time.
 Seeking some first-hand knowledge, I went to a retirement home in my neighborhood in Madison, Wisconsin and asked if there were any really
 old people that I might be able to have a conversation with. I soon found myself talking with Alice who was 102 years old. A delightful and sharp
 woman born in 1869 who grew up in and around the city of Milwaukee Wisconsin. I explained to her that I was interested in how people were
 changed by the development of technology and had she noticed any such change in people over her long life. She thought for a moment and said
 well, for the first 50 years or so I would have thought no. At this point she laughed and said, I really thought I was old then. Alice was 50 years old
 in 1920. She said, up until then horses pulled us around, houses looked the same inside and out, I had the same kind of life my mother and
 grandmother had. Then she leaned in to better get my attention and said, and then the past just fell away. I feel a chill even now remembering her
 words. She said all of a sudden it became the modern world with electric lights, telephones, radios, cars and airplanes. I asked if it changed her and
 the other people she knew. "Oh yes", she said, "we were never the same again." That modern world that came upon Alice so suddenly in the early
 20th century has been with us for 100 years now. I think we are rapidly approaching a tipping point where again the past will just fall away.

Radionics and the electronic use of information as medicine, was a part of that sudden onset modern world that Alice described. With Dr. Albert
 Abrams (the father of modern radionics) doing his foundational research in the early 1920s. Remaining on the fringe of science and medicine
 throughout the 20th century, radionics is only now coming to be understood and soon to be valued for its ability to modify and control biological
 processes only recently discovered and not fully understood. It is the ability of modern radionics to read and influence the meta processes of the
brain that make it so useful in activating our potential abilities.


A human being requires more than 15 years to achieve adult level intelligence. The plasticity of the young brain's connectome is what allows
 children to soak up knowledge like a sponge. This must be followed in adolescents by a pruning and consolidation of brain connections so that
the knowledge can be effectively used by the adult. Transcranial direct current stimulation or t DCS  is a safe and simple way to temporarily induce
 plasticity in the adult brain's connectome. The Harmonic Translation System is an advanced radionic device which can be programmed to induce
 connections between brain regions and modify existing patterns. With transcranial direct-current stimulation creating temporary plasticity and the
 Harmonic Translation System programming connections and patterns within the connectome, it is hoped that a wholesale unfolding of untapped
 potential can be safely promoted.





The Harmonic Translation System can be programmed to connect various brain regions.


What this would look like would vary from person to person. In general, there would be improved cognitive functions. This might include both short
 and long term memory improvements as well as better perception of patterns in both vision and hearing.  Ability in speaking or singing and
 communicating as well as problem solving and emotional intelligence might also be improved with increased empathy and social skills.

The world is in great need of the human mind version 2.0.

We have as Jason Silva so eloquently says,  a great soul sickness upon us, where half of us are on psychiatric medications, and one in five of
 us considers suicide. Our  robots are crawling the surface of Mars, but many of us can find no reason to get out of bed in the morning. I believe
 we have to rise to this great challenge and stretch beyond our current limitations. Only when genius, wisdom and heroic actions become the norm,
 will we break through our cultural malaise into a new day. To that end, I believe we must use the best of our new tools and technologies to bring
out our latent abilities and conscious capacities so that we might survive and prosper in this new world. A tsunami wave of change is upon us. And
again our past is about to fall away. For the first time in our historical memory, in the span of a single generation, not only our world will be totally
 transformed but ourselves as well.


Jon Monroe is Director of New Science and developer of the Harmonic Translation System.

He can be reached at jmonroe@electronichealing.com

Information for Further Study

Albert Abrams, pathologist, Stanford University Medical School, New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment, Philopolis Press

Robert O. Becker, Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, the Promise of Electromedicine Tarcher/Putnam, 1990, and The Body Electric Morrow, New York 1985.

H. Bruggemann, Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy, Haug, Brussels, 1990

J. Liberman, Light: Medicine of the Future, Bear and Co., Santa Fe, 1991.

M. Talbot, The Holographic Universe, Harper Collins, 1996.

Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine, The Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies, Bear and Co., Rochester, VT 2001

Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, a medical doctor from England, well-known for his groundbreaking work in environmental and energy medicine. His book is known as
Virtual Medicine. We are indebted to him for his clarity of expression in defining this field.

Yvon Combe, At The Heart Of Thought, Towards A Unity Of Matter and Spirit, Heart of Thought PO Box 85547
Emmarentia 2029 Johannesburg South Africa.